Rollercoaster Ride

Its been quite a few weeks since I last wrote on the blog and there have been highs and lows.

The Lows:

Currently in the middle of a low as I am having interminable problems getting my video-editing software to work. I had successfully used Pinnacle Studio 24 for the first 7 videos but two days ago the program crashed and became unworkable. Overnight I made the decision to get Premiere Pro which initially seemed promising yesterday following a period of learning how to use a new program but is now refusing to play all my time lapse videos after export. This has been written by way of an apology to explain why no new video has come out this weekend but I am working on it.

The Highs:

I loved working with Marissa through Andorra and have had really heart warming feedback from all the portrait subjects so far. I feel I would be earning a good star rating

Moving on to Angola I had lots of fun conducting our first online vote to chose the subject image although as it was so close in the end and I had some time I decided to do both


I loved attending the Globalbiofest last weekend from my own living room. I learnt so much about such diverse subjects as kiwi eggs and the African Green Belt project. Every half hour was thrilling and I am looking forward to the next one. It had a true festival feel to it as you had to make difficult choices which session to miss. I got to hear Adjany lecture on integrated conservation in the Angolan Highlands which seems such a sensible pragmatic approach. I believe highlights will soon be available on YouTube

Finally I had a fantastic hour being interviewed by Simar, a student at DPS South Bangalore for the school podcast on Wednesday and had some great questions submitted by the students.

…so on balance its been a good few weeks. I just need that video to sort itself out


Making sense of Social Media